The Cartel web series is a tale of the gangland. Khan, Anna, Gajraj, Angre, and a mysterious bookie-cum-movie producer are the low-profile mafias in the city of dreams. For years, these five powerful gangs have survived the underworld without a fuss only due to one iron lady, Rani Mai. But, what will happen when Rani Mai is on her deathbed? Will these gangs continue to play by her rules? Or will her accident lead to their fallout in the Cartel?
The Cartel web series is a tale of the gangland. Khan, Anna, Gajraj, Angre, and a mysterious bookie-cum-movie producer are the low-profile mafias in the city of dreams. For years, these five powerful gangs have survived the underworld without a fuss only due to one iron lady, Rani Mai. But, what will happen when Rani Mai is on her deathbed? Will these gangs continue to play by her rules? Or will her accident lead to their fallout in the Cartel?